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Individual Life Insurance that rewards you for being active and living a healthy life.

How are you rewarded for living healthier?

11% of members reduced their BMI, 29% lowered their blood pressure, 28% improved their glucose level, and 23% improved their cholesterol levels.

Other benefits include:

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  • Discounted life insurance premiums - the higher your status, the more you can earn in premium savings

  • Free in-person annual health assessments (optional) from Exam One® + a yearly report to view your results and track your progress.

  • A discounted Apple Watch, up to $400 every 2 years*

  • 40% off a Fitbit device*

  • Save 30% on Garmin wearable devices

  • Access exclusive 25% Goodlife gym membership discounts*

  • Expanded Expedia discounts, up to 50% off 2 hotel stays per year*, per insured

  • Enjoy a $99 Amazon gift code to use to pay for your Prime membership (excluding taxes) or other purchases, when you reach Platinum Status and complete your VHR (Vitality Health Review) three years in a row

  • Many opportunities to earn additional Amazon and Tim Hortons gift cards*

    *Benefits are always changing and improving. Contact us for full details. Get rewarded for being healthy.

Life insurance is more accessible than ever. Canadians aged 18 to 50 can now get life insurance, up to and including $2 million of coverage, without having to meet with a nurse to provide blood, urine and other biometric data. This means an easier, less intrusive experience, and faster decisions.

Whenever a parent or a business owner dies prematurely, your spouse or partner (business or relationship) will ask themselves four questions. Our commitment is to help you answer these questions with confidence:

1. How much life insurance do I have?

2. How long will those dollars last (income generated from life insurance proceeds) for my family/business?

3. Will my family be able to stay in our home/will my business continue to operate in the same manner?

4. Will my spouse/children’s/employee’s lifestyle remain the same (vacations, sports, school, activities, etc.)?

Our goal: No out-of-pocket cost. Do you dislike life insurance, or do you simply not like paying for it? We work with our clients to help find the money to pay for your coverage so it doesn’t impact your monthly cash flow. You deserve a different insurance professional if we can’t show you value in this area.

We use technology and the right insurance product(s) to make the process simple, quick, and easy. All from the comfort of your home or office.

Did you know most mortgage life insurance policies have the lender as the default beneficiary and automatically decrease coverage as your mortgage balance decreases; while the premium/cost stays the same? We offer individually owned life insurance with a level death benefit and you control who the beneficiary is.