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Thank you! Thank you for helping us be more efficient by using our appointment booking tool.

We look forward to meeting with you and would like to share a resource with you before we meet.

An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan.
— Warren Buffett
Please click here to download your copy

Please click here to download your copy

People worry about money for a number of reasons. The amount of time we spend worrying seems to go up exponentially when we don't have a plan.

Enter The One-Page Financial Plan.

A one-page plan reminds you of ‘why’ you're saving money, helps you weigh your options, and makes it easier to identify the best path for getting you where you want to go financially. 

To get the most out of our first meeting we hope you will take the time to read the included chapters of The One-Page Financial Plan.

We look forward to meeting you,

- Trent MacKeen

The One-Page Financial Plan - About the author

Carl Richards is a New York Times columnist, author, and a mentor of mine who has graciously allowed me to share this resource with my you. I hope you find value reading it.

Click here or the book cover to download.